CIM Course Form (Faculty/Staff)
CIM Course Form
The CIM Course Form is where users submit proposals for a new, proposals for a change to an existing, or propose deactivation of an existing course.
CIM Course Form User Guides
We have developed a series of trainings to help new users get familiar with our Course Inventory Management (CIM) system. In addition to the live trainings provided by CourseLeaf, there are several documents available that explain, in detail, specific parts of the system. Please browse these documents in the order presented and scan the Frequently Asked Questions.
CIM Course-related questions can be directed to
CIM User Guide - New Course Request
CIM User Guide - Course Change Request
CIM User Guide - Course Change Request - Inactivate Course
CIM User Guide Course Change Request - Reactivate Course
CIM User Guide - Course Inquiry Status Check
CIM User Guide - Checking Workflow Status