FAQs: Late Withdrawal Exception
Information regarding requesting a Late Withdrawal Exception.
Undergraduate students at the University.
It can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog (beginning in 2019-2020) under the heading “EXCEPTION TO UNIVERSITY WITHDRAWAL AND RETURN POLICY.”
Refer to the Late Withdrawal Exception webpage.
Refer to the Late Withdrawal Exception webpage.
Yes. Please follow the steps listed on the Late Withdrawal Exception webpage.
The Incomplete Policy allows you to complete assignments or exams upon instructor approval when unforeseen circumstances arise near the end of a term. In contrast, a University Withdrawal eliminates the opportunity to receive any academic credit for the term. Thus, pursuing Incompletes may include both academic and financial advantages over the alternative of retaking withdrawn courses and paying for them again.
- For more information, see the Incomplete Policy in the Undergraduate Catalog.
After a Late Withdrawal Exception is granted, you must sit out a full Fall or Spring semester.
- For a Late University Withdrawal in the Fall, the first potential term to return is the following Summer
- For a Late University Withdrawal in the Spring, the first potential term to return is the following Spring
- For a Late University Withdrawal in the Summer, the first potential term to return is the following Spring
Please refer to the Late Withdrawal Exception webpage.
A Late Withdrawal Exception will not lead to a financial refund for tuition, or related fees, for that term. For additional information, please contact https://onestop.web.baylor.edu/contact-us.