CIM Program FAQs
The program form holds all relevant information about your proposal and creates a central place to save and store this information. While this information is used to populate the Catalog, information will also be used to report to accreditors regarding relevant changes to curriculum.
Joint, dual, and accelerated programs are examples of collaborative programs. Before submitting your program proposal, you must get approval from other departments that have any courses listed within the degree plan outside of the home department.
Once the course or program has been selected from the list, click the red “Inactivate Program” button on the top right. A pop-up window will be activated which will require information such as final catalog year, reason for closure, an explanation of how students, faculty, and staff will be informed, any teach-out plans.
The CourseLeaf CIM Ecosystem displays all courses and programs that reference a specific course as a requisite or program requirement. To view the Ecosystem:
1. Log into the CourseLeaf CIM Course Management dashboard
2. Enter your selected course into the Search field and select “Search”
3. Select your course from the results table
4. The course information will display in the preview panel below the results table. The Ecosystem will display directly beneath your course title. Be sure to scroll down using the arrows on the right side of the box to see all results.
Please read through these frequently asked questions and look through the training documents provided. If questions or concerns persist, you may contact or